c++ RTTI相关代码

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <assert.h>

using namespace std;

struct fa
	virtual void f() { cout << "fa:f" << endl; }

struct so :public fa
	virtual void f() { cout << "son:f" << endl; fa::f();}

struct thr 
	virtual void f() { cout << "thr:f" << endl; }

typedef const struct	_s_RTTICompleteObjectLocator {
	unsigned long							signature;
	unsigned long							offset;
	unsigned long							cdOffset;
	int										pTypeDescriptor;	// Image relative offset of TypeDescriptor
	int										pClassDescriptor;	// Image relative offset of _RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor
	int										pSelf;				// Image relative offset of this object
} _RTTICompleteObjectLocator;

int main()
	so a;
	fa b;
	thr c;

	_RTTICompleteObjectLocator * p = (_RTTICompleteObjectLocator*)((*((void***)&b))[-1]);
	_RTTICompleteObjectLocator* p2 = (_RTTICompleteObjectLocator*)((*((void***)&a))[-1]);
	_RTTICompleteObjectLocator* p3 = (_RTTICompleteObjectLocator*)((*((void***)&c))[-1]);

	return 0;