
写 bug 的大耳朵图图



1989 年 3 月,互联网还只属于少数人。在这一互联网的黎明期, HTTP 诞生了。 CERN(欧洲核子研究组织)的蒂姆 · 伯纳斯 - 李(Tim BernersLee) 博士提出了一种能让远隔两地的研究者们共享知识的设想。 最初设想的基本理念是:借助多文档之间相互关联形成的超文本 (HyperText),连成可相互参阅的 WWW(World Wide Web,万维 网)。

现在已提出了 3 项 WWW 构建技术,分别是:

  1. 把 SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language,标准通用标记语言)作为页面的文本标记语言的 HTML(HyperText Markup Language,超文本标记语言);
  2. 作为文档传递协议的 HTTP ;
  3. 指定文档所在地址的 URL(Uniform Resource Locator,统一资源定位符)。 WWW 这一名称,是 Web 浏览器当年用来浏览超文本的客户端应用 程序时的名称。现在则用来表示这一系列的集合,也可简称为 Web。


HTTP/0.9 HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2.0
HTTP 于 1990 年问世。那时的 HTTP 并没有作为正式的标准被建立。 现在的 HTTP 其实含有 HTTP1.0 之前版本的意思,因此被称为 HTTP/0.9。 HTTP 正式作为标准被公布是在 1996 年的 5 月,版本被命名为 HTTP/1.0,并记载于 RFC1945。虽说是初期标准,但该协议标准至今 仍被广泛使用在服务器端。 1997 年 1 月公布的 HTTP/1.1 是目前主流的 HTTP 协议版本。当初的 标准是 RFC2068,之后发布的修订版 RFC2616 就是当前的最新版 本。 HTTP/2.0是一种安全高效的下一代HTTP传输协议。安全是因为HTTP2.0建立在HTTPS协议的基础上,高效是因为它是通过二进制分帧来进行数据传输。








获取资源,用来请求访问已被URI识别的资源。 传输实体主体,虽然GET方法也可以传输实体的主体,但是一般不用,而是使用POST方法。 传输文件,但是由于HTTP/1.1协议中的PUT方法自身不带安全机制,因此一般不用此方法,但在一些REST架构的网站,可能会开放PUT方法。 删除文件,DELETE 方法用来删除文件,是与 PUT 相反的方法。DELETE 方法按 请求 URI 删除指定的资源。 但是,HTTP/1.1 的 DELETE 方法本身和 PUT 方法一样不带验证机 制,所以一般的 Web 网站也不使用 DELETE 方法。当配合 Web 应用 程序的验证机制,或遵守 REST 标准时还是有可能会开放使用的。 获得报文首部,HEAD 方法和 GET 方法一样,只是不返回报文主体部分。用于确认 URI 的有效性及资源更新的日期时间等 询问支持的方法,用来查询针对请求 URI 指定的资源支持的方法。 追踪路径,客户端通过 TRACE 方法可以查询发送出去的请求是怎样被加工修改 / 篡改的。这是因为,请求想要连接到源目标服务器可能会通过代理 中转,TRACE 方法就是用来确认连接过程中发生的一系列操作。 要求用隧道协议连接代理 ,CONNECT 方法要求在与代理服务器通信时建立隧道,实现用隧道协 议进行 TCP 通信。主要使用 SSL(Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接 层)和 TLS(Transport Layer Security,传输层安全)协议把通信内容 加 密后经网络隧道传输。


状态码 类别 原因短语
1XX Information(信息类状态码) 接收的请求正在处理
2XX Success(成功状态码) 请求正常处理完毕
3XX Redirection(重定向状态码) 需要进行附加操作以完成请求
4XX Client Error(客户端错误状态码) 服务器无法处理请求
5XX Server Error(服务端错误状态码) 服务器处理请求出错




  • Keep-Alive & 连接池
  • 国际化域名和 URL
  • 带持久 Cookie 的会话
  • 浏览器式的 SSL 认证
  • 自动内容解码
  • 基本/摘要式的身份认证
  • 优雅的 key/value Cookie
  • 自动解压
  • Unicode 响应体
  • HTTP(S) 代理支持
  • 文件分块上传
  • 流下载
  • 连接超时
  • 分块请求
  • 支持 .netrc



from _typeshed import SupportsItems
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union

from .models import Response
from .sessions import _Data

_ParamsMappingKeyType = Union[Text, bytes, int, float]
_ParamsMappingValueType = Union[Text, bytes, int, float, Iterable[Union[Text, bytes, int, float]], None]

def request(method: str, url: str, **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def get(
    url: Union[Text, bytes],
    params: Optional[
            SupportsItems[_ParamsMappingKeyType, _ParamsMappingValueType],
            Tuple[_ParamsMappingKeyType, _ParamsMappingValueType],
            Iterable[Tuple[_ParamsMappingKeyType, _ParamsMappingValueType]],
            Union[Text, bytes],
    ] = ...,
) -> Response: ...
def options(url: Union[Text, bytes], **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def head(url: Union[Text, bytes], **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def post(url: Union[Text, bytes], data: _Data = ..., json=..., **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def put(url: Union[Text, bytes], data: _Data = ..., json=..., **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def patch(url: Union[Text, bytes], data: _Data = ..., json=..., **kwargs) -> Response: ...
def delete(url: Union[Text, bytes], **kwargs) -> Response: ...

因此,我们在使用requests库时,除了常见的 requests.get()写法外,还可以看到 requests.request('get')这种写法,其实这两种写法是等价的,接下来让我们看下request这个方法的参数吧

from . import sessions

def request(method, url, **kwargs):
    """Constructs and sends a :class:`Request <Request>`.

    :param method: method for the new :class:`Request` object: ``GET``, ``OPTIONS``, ``HEAD``, ``POST``, ``PUT``, ``PATCH``, or ``DELETE``.
    :param url: URL for the new :class:`Request` object.
    :param params: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send
        in the query string for the :class:`Request`.
    :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like
        object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.
    :param json: (optional) A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`.
    :param headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the :class:`Request`.
    :param cookies: (optional) Dict or CookieJar object to send with the :class:`Request`.
    :param files: (optional) Dictionary of ``'name': file-like-objects`` (or ``{'name': file-tuple}``) for multipart encoding upload.
        ``file-tuple`` can be a 2-tuple ``('filename', fileobj)``, 3-tuple ``('filename', fileobj, 'content_type')``
        or a 4-tuple ``('filename', fileobj, 'content_type', custom_headers)``, where ``'content-type'`` is a string
        defining the content type of the given file and ``custom_headers`` a dict-like object containing additional headers
        to add for the file.
    :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth.
    :param timeout: (optional) How many seconds to wait for the server to send data
        before giving up, as a float, or a :ref:`(connect timeout, read
        timeout) <timeouts>` tuple.
    :type timeout: float or tuple
    :param allow_redirects: (optional) Boolean. Enable/disable GET/OPTIONS/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE/HEAD redirection. Defaults to ``True``.
    :type allow_redirects: bool
    :param proxies: (optional) Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.
    :param verify: (optional) Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether we verify
            the server's TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path
            to a CA bundle to use. Defaults to ``True``.
    :param stream: (optional) if ``False``, the response content will be immediately downloaded.
    :param cert: (optional) if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, ('cert', 'key') pair.
    :return: :class:`Response <Response>` object
    :rtype: requests.Response


      >>> import requests
      >>> req = requests.request('GET', 'https://httpbin.org/get')
      >>> req
      <Response [200]>

    # By using the 'with' statement we are sure the session is closed, thus we
    # avoid leaving sockets open which can trigger a ResourceWarning in some
    # cases, and look like a memory leak in others.
    with sessions.Session() as session:
        return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  • method: Http请求动词,requests库中封装了 GET, POST, OPTIONS,HEAD,PUTPATCH,DELETE等方法,后面我也会介绍如何定义我们自己的Http动词
  • url:请求的url
  • params:字典格式的请求参数,比如我们在get请求中的查询参数,就可以使用params参数来传递
  • data:字典格式的请求参数,在post请求中,使用form格式提交数据时,就可以使用data参数来传递
  • json:在post请求中,使用json格式提交数据时,就可以直接使用json参数来传参,无需再使用json.dumps()先将请求参数序列化再传递
  • headers:请求头,字典格式
  • cookies:请求的cookies,也是字典格式
  • files:当我们需要上传文件时,files参数就派上用场了,在后面的例子中,会介绍如何使用这个参数上传文件
  • auth:方便我们使用Http Auth,是一个元组类型
  • timeout:设置超时时间用的,当timeout是一个单一的值时,这一 timeout 值将会用作 connectread 二者的 timeout,如果是一个元组,则是分别指定connect和read的时间
  • allow_redirects:布尔类型,是否允许自动重定向,默认值为 True
  • proxies:字典类型,用来设置代理,在写爬虫时,尤为重要
  • verify:布尔类型,是否使用https验证,默认为True
  • stream:布尔类型,如果设置为True,则直接返回原始的Response对象,一般用不到,除非你想自己解析。
  • cert:设置ssl证书地址,如果本地有ssl证书,则可以使用此参数加载证书,不过一般也用不到。



class Response(object):
    """The :class:`Response <Response>` object, which contains a
    server's response to an HTTP request.

    __attrs__ = [
        '_content', 'status_code', 'headers', 'url', 'history',
        'encoding', 'reason', 'cookies', 'elapsed', 'request'
  • _content:此对象其实会以字节的方式访问请求响应体,当然,最常用的是用来下载文件
  • status_code:http状态码
  • headers:响应头
  • url:请求的url,对于带参数的get请求,如果调用了response.url()则会将查询参数拼接到url后返回
  • history:查询此请求的重定向历史,一般用不到,除非你很关心你请求的url是被重定向到了哪里
  • encoding:请求发出后,Requests 会基于 HTTP 头部对响应的编码作出有根据的推测。当你访问 r.text 之时,Requests 会使用其推测的文本编码。你可以找出 Requests 使用了什么编码,并且能够使用 r.encoding 属性来改变它,当然,机智的requests会自动推测编码,一般也不需要我们重新设置编码,相比较urllib3,这个自动推测编码简直良心
  • reason:响应HTTP状态的文本原因,一般极少用到
  • cookies:cookies,没啥好解释的,就是k-v对
  • elapsed:请求和响应的时间差,是的,你没看错,不需要你自己写个装饰器来算时间差来看请求用了多久,requests人家自己有,良心的不行,但是我们依旧很少用到
  • request:PreparedRequest对象,这个对象就是requests的核心对象之一后面的源码解析环节,会详细介绍这个对象是如何处理我们上面提到的request参数的


使用requests发送带查询参数的get请求时,可以使用 params 参数来传递查询参数,对于

import requests

def send_get_with_params():

    parameters = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    headers = {
        "token": "HlOMkoOtQ4ngiLNmChMHeaggoFSgmJ6xKozr08p4NaNsXOkjph7zRFXL9KZqvoQW"
    response = requests.get(url="http://www.httpbin.org/get", params=parameters, headers=headers)
    # 反序列化json,以字典类型输出



import requests

def send_post_by_data():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    resp = requests.request("POST", url=url, data=payload)



# 使用json.dumps()序列化数据后,用data参数提交
def send_post_by_json():
    import json
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    resp = requests.request("POST", url=url, data=json.dumps(payload))
# 直接使用json参数来提交数据,相比于第一种,更加方便
def send_post_by_json():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    resp = requests.request("POST", url=url, json=payload)


def prepare_body(self, data, files, json=None):
    """Prepares the given HTTP body data."""

    # Check if file, fo, generator, iterator.
    # If not, run through normal process.

    # Nottin' on you.
    body = None
    content_type = None

    if not data and json is not None:
        # urllib3 requires a bytes-like body. Python 2's json.dumps
        # provides this natively, but Python 3 gives a Unicode string.
        content_type = 'application/json'
        body = complexjson.dumps(json)
        if not isinstance(body, bytes):
            body = body.encode('utf-8')



params参数除了在get请求中用来添加查询参数,在post请求中也是一样的,如果你有用过postman,在post请求方式中,还有一种请求方式就是 **x-www-form-urlencoded **,在requests中,则可以使用params参数实现此种提交方式,示例代码如下:

import requests

def send_post_by_params():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    resp = requests.post(url=url, params=payload)


除了以上几种数据提交方式,文件上传也是我们很常见的操作,但是对于requests,当你要上传一个非常大的文件作为 nultipart/form-data 请求时,requests是不支持的,不过好在可以使用第三方包 requests-toolbelt_** **_来实现大文件上传的功能。

# 普通单文件上传
def send_post_by_files():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    files = {"files": open("./requests_demo.py", 'rb')}
    resp = requests.post(url=url, files=files)

# 多文件上传
def send_post_by_mulitfiles():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    files = [
        ('file1', ('1.png', open('wallhaven-wdfxkr.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/png')),
        ('file2', ('2.png', open('wallhaven-wyzxkr.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/png'))
    resp = requests.post(url=url, files=files)
# 上传文件时提交其他参数
def send_post_by_mulitfiles_params():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    data = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 23
    files = [
        ('file1', ('1.png', open('006bllTKly1fpg2q9wqlwj30k00k074z.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/png')),
        ('file2', ('2.png', open('006bllTKly1fpg2q9wqlwj30k00k074z.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/png'))
    resp = requests.post(url=url, files=files, data=data)
# 使用requests-toolbelt上传大文件
def send_post_by_large_file():
    import requests
    from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/post"
    m = MultipartEncoder(
        fields={'name': 'wickTu', "age": '100',
                'file1': ('1.png', open('wallhaven-28ekym.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/png'),
                'file2': ('2.png', open('wallhaven-g7jg63.png', 'rb'), 'image/png')}
    resp = requests.post(url=url, data=m, headers={'Content-Type': m.content_type})



def send_get_by_session():
    s = requests.session()
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/get"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    resp = s.get(url=url, params=payload)



class PreparedRequest(RequestEncodingMixin, RequestHooksMixin):
    """The fully mutable :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` object,
    containing the exact bytes that will be sent to the server.

    Instances are generated from a :class:`Request <Request>` object, and
    should not be instantiated manually; doing so may produce undesirable


      >>> import requests
      >>> req = requests.Request('GET', 'https://httpbin.org/get')
      >>> r = req.prepare()
      >>> r
      <PreparedRequest [GET]>

      >>> s = requests.Session()
      >>> s.send(r)
      <Response [200]>

    def __init__(self):
        #: HTTP verb to send to the server.
        self.method = None
        #: HTTP URL to send the request to.
        self.url = None
        #: dictionary of HTTP headers.
        self.headers = None
        # The `CookieJar` used to create the Cookie header will be stored here
        # after prepare_cookies is called
        self._cookies = None
        #: request body to send to the server.
        self.body = None
        #: dictionary of callback hooks, for internal usage.
        self.hooks = default_hooks()
        #: integer denoting starting position of a readable file-like body.
        self._body_position = None

    def prepare(self,
            method=None, url=None, headers=None, files=None, data=None,
            params=None, auth=None, cookies=None, hooks=None, json=None):
        """Prepares the entire request with the given parameters."""

        self.prepare_url(url, params)
        self.prepare_body(data, files, json)
        self.prepare_auth(auth, url)

        # Note that prepare_auth must be last to enable authentication schemes
        # such as OAuth to work on a fully prepared request.

        # This MUST go after prepare_auth. Authenticators could add a hook

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<PreparedRequest [%s]>' % (self.method)

    def copy(self):
        p = PreparedRequest()
        p.method = self.method
        p.url = self.url
        p.headers = self.headers.copy() if self.headers is not None else None
        p._cookies = _copy_cookie_jar(self._cookies)
        p.body = self.body
        p.hooks = self.hooks
        p._body_position = self._body_position
        return p

    def prepare_method(self, method):
        """Prepares the given HTTP method."""
        self.method = method
        if self.method is not None:
            self.method = to_native_string(self.method.upper())

    def _get_idna_encoded_host(host):
        import idna

            host = idna.encode(host, uts46=True).decode('utf-8')
        except idna.IDNAError:
            raise UnicodeError
        return host

    def prepare_url(self, url, params):
        """Prepares the given HTTP URL."""
        #: Accept objects that have string representations.
        #: We're unable to blindly call unicode/str functions
        #: as this will include the bytestring indicator (b'')
        #: on python 3.x.
        #: https://github.com/psf/requests/pull/2238
        if isinstance(url, bytes):
            url = url.decode('utf8')
            url = unicode(url) if is_py2 else str(url)

        # Remove leading whitespaces from url
        url = url.lstrip()

        # Don't do any URL preparation for non-HTTP schemes like `mailto`,
        # `data` etc to work around exceptions from `url_parse`, which
        # handles RFC 3986 only.
        if ':' in url and not url.lower().startswith('http'):
            self.url = url

        # Support for unicode domain names and paths.
            scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment = parse_url(url)
        except LocationParseError as e:
            raise InvalidURL(*e.args)

        if not scheme:
            error = ("Invalid URL {0!r}: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://{0}?")
            error = error.format(to_native_string(url, 'utf8'))

            raise MissingSchema(error)

        if not host:
            raise InvalidURL("Invalid URL %r: No host supplied" % url)

        # In general, we want to try IDNA encoding the hostname if the string contains
        # non-ASCII characters. This allows users to automatically get the correct IDNA
        # behaviour. For strings containing only ASCII characters, we need to also verify
        # it doesn't start with a wildcard (*), before allowing the unencoded hostname.
        if not unicode_is_ascii(host):
                host = self._get_idna_encoded_host(host)
            except UnicodeError:
                raise InvalidURL('URL has an invalid label.')
        elif host.startswith(u'*'):
            raise InvalidURL('URL has an invalid label.')

        # Carefully reconstruct the network location
        netloc = auth or ''
        if netloc:
            netloc += '@'
        netloc += host
        if port:
            netloc += ':' + str(port)

        # Bare domains aren't valid URLs.
        if not path:
            path = '/'

        if is_py2:
            if isinstance(scheme, str):
                scheme = scheme.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(netloc, str):
                netloc = netloc.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(path, str):
                path = path.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(query, str):
                query = query.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(fragment, str):
                fragment = fragment.encode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(params, (str, bytes)):
            params = to_native_string(params)

        enc_params = self._encode_params(params)
        if enc_params:
            if query:
                query = '%s&%s' % (query, enc_params)
                query = enc_params

        url = requote_uri(urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, None, query, fragment]))
        self.url = url

    def prepare_headers(self, headers):
        """Prepares the given HTTP headers."""

        self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
        if headers:
            for header in headers.items():
                # Raise exception on invalid header value.
                name, value = header
                self.headers[to_native_string(name)] = value

    def prepare_body(self, data, files, json=None):
        """Prepares the given HTTP body data."""

        # Check if file, fo, generator, iterator.
        # If not, run through normal process.

        # Nottin' on you.
        body = None
        content_type = None

        if not data and json is not None:
            # urllib3 requires a bytes-like body. Python 2's json.dumps
            # provides this natively, but Python 3 gives a Unicode string.
            content_type = 'application/json'
            body = complexjson.dumps(json)
            if not isinstance(body, bytes):
                body = body.encode('utf-8')

        is_stream = all([
            hasattr(data, '__iter__'),
            not isinstance(data, (basestring, list, tuple, Mapping))

        if is_stream:
                length = super_len(data)
            except (TypeError, AttributeError, UnsupportedOperation):
                length = None

            body = data

            if getattr(body, 'tell', None) is not None:
                # Record the current file position before reading.
                # This will allow us to rewind a file in the event
                # of a redirect.
                    self._body_position = body.tell()
                except (IOError, OSError):
                    # This differentiates from None, allowing us to catch
                    # a failed `tell()` later when trying to rewind the body
                    self._body_position = object()

            if files:
                raise NotImplementedError('Streamed bodies and files are mutually exclusive.')

            if length:
                self.headers['Content-Length'] = builtin_str(length)
                self.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
            # Multi-part file uploads.
            if files:
                (body, content_type) = self._encode_files(files, data)
                if data:
                    body = self._encode_params(data)
                    if isinstance(data, basestring) or hasattr(data, 'read'):
                        content_type = None
                        content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'


            # Add content-type if it wasn't explicitly provided.
            if content_type and ('content-type' not in self.headers):
                self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        self.body = body

    def prepare_content_length(self, body):
        """Prepare Content-Length header based on request method and body"""
        if body is not None:
            length = super_len(body)
            if length:
                # If length exists, set it. Otherwise, we fallback
                # to Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
                self.headers['Content-Length'] = builtin_str(length)
        elif self.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD') and self.headers.get('Content-Length') is None:
            # Set Content-Length to 0 for methods that can have a body
            # but don't provide one. (i.e. not GET or HEAD)
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = '0'

    def prepare_auth(self, auth, url=''):
        """Prepares the given HTTP auth data."""

        # If no Auth is explicitly provided, extract it from the URL first.
        if auth is None:
            url_auth = get_auth_from_url(self.url)
            auth = url_auth if any(url_auth) else None

        if auth:
            if isinstance(auth, tuple) and len(auth) == 2:
                # special-case basic HTTP auth
                auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*auth)

            # Allow auth to make its changes.
            r = auth(self)

            # Update self to reflect the auth changes.

            # Recompute Content-Length

    def prepare_cookies(self, cookies):
        """Prepares the given HTTP cookie data.

        This function eventually generates a ``Cookie`` header from the
        given cookies using cookielib. Due to cookielib's design, the header
        will not be regenerated if it already exists, meaning this function
        can only be called once for the life of the
        :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` object. Any subsequent calls
        to ``prepare_cookies`` will have no actual effect, unless the "Cookie"
        header is removed beforehand.
        if isinstance(cookies, cookielib.CookieJar):
            self._cookies = cookies
            self._cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies)

        cookie_header = get_cookie_header(self._cookies, self)
        if cookie_header is not None:
            self.headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header

    def prepare_hooks(self, hooks):
        """Prepares the given hooks."""
        # hooks can be passed as None to the prepare method and to this
        # method. To prevent iterating over None, simply use an empty list
        # if hooks is False-y
        hooks = hooks or []
        for event in hooks:
            self.register_hook(event, hooks[event])



_method_参数指定了我们发送请求的方式,其对应的预处理方法为 prepare_method(),核心代码如下:

def prepare_method(self, method):
    """Prepares the given HTTP method."""
    self.method = method
    if self.method is not None:
        self.method = to_native_string(self.method.upper())
def to_native_string(string, encoding='ascii'):
    """Given a string object, regardless of type, returns a representation of
    that string in the native string type, encoding and decoding where
    necessary. This assumes ASCII unless told otherwise.
    if isinstance(string, builtin_str):
        out = string
        if is_py2:
            out = string.encode(encoding)
            out = string.decode(encoding)

    return out 



_url_参数指定了我们请求的地址,其对应的预处理方法为 prepare_url(),核心代码如下:

    def prepare_url(self, url, params):
        """Prepares the given HTTP URL."""
        #: Accept objects that have string representations.
        #: We're unable to blindly call unicode/str functions
        #: as this will include the bytestring indicator (b'')
        #: on python 3.x.
        #: https://github.com/psf/requests/pull/2238
        if isinstance(url, bytes):
            url = url.decode('utf8')
            url = unicode(url) if is_py2 else str(url)

        # Remove leading whitespaces from url
        url = url.lstrip()

        # Don't do any URL preparation for non-HTTP schemes like `mailto`,
        # `data` etc to work around exceptions from `url_parse`, which
        # handles RFC 3986 only.
        if ':' in url and not url.lower().startswith('http'):
            self.url = url

        # Support for unicode domain names and paths.
            scheme, auth, host, port, path, query, fragment = parse_url(url)
        except LocationParseError as e:
            raise InvalidURL(*e.args)

        if not scheme:
            error = ("Invalid URL {0!r}: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://{0}?")
            error = error.format(to_native_string(url, 'utf8'))

            raise MissingSchema(error)

        if not host:
            raise InvalidURL("Invalid URL %r: No host supplied" % url)

        # In general, we want to try IDNA encoding the hostname if the string contains
        # non-ASCII characters. This allows users to automatically get the correct IDNA
        # behaviour. For strings containing only ASCII characters, we need to also verify
        # it doesn't start with a wildcard (*), before allowing the unencoded hostname.
        if not unicode_is_ascii(host):
                host = self._get_idna_encoded_host(host)
            except UnicodeError:
                raise InvalidURL('URL has an invalid label.')
        elif host.startswith(u'*'):
            raise InvalidURL('URL has an invalid label.')

        # Carefully reconstruct the network location
        netloc = auth or ''
        if netloc:
            netloc += '@'
        netloc += host
        if port:
            netloc += ':' + str(port)

        # Bare domains aren't valid URLs.
        if not path:
            path = '/'

        if is_py2:
            if isinstance(scheme, str):
                scheme = scheme.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(netloc, str):
                netloc = netloc.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(path, str):
                path = path.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(query, str):
                query = query.encode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(fragment, str):
                fragment = fragment.encode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(params, (str, bytes)):
            params = to_native_string(params)

        enc_params = self._encode_params(params)
        if enc_params:
            if query:
                query = '%s&%s' % (query, enc_params)
                query = enc_params

        url = requote_uri(urlunparse([scheme, netloc, path, None, query, fragment]))
        self.url = url
def parse_url(url):
    Given a url, return a parsed :class:`.Url` namedtuple. Best-effort is
    performed to parse incomplete urls. Fields not provided will be None.
    This parser is RFC 3986 compliant.

    The parser logic and helper functions are based heavily on
    work done in the ``rfc3986`` module.

    :param str url: URL to parse into a :class:`.Url` namedtuple.

    Partly backwards-compatible with :mod:`urlparse`.


        >>> parse_url('http://google.com/mail/')
        Url(scheme='http', host='google.com', port=None, path='/mail/', ...)
        >>> parse_url('google.com:80')
        Url(scheme=None, host='google.com', port=80, path=None, ...)
        >>> parse_url('/foo?bar')
        Url(scheme=None, host=None, port=None, path='/foo', query='bar', ...)
    if not url:
        # Empty
        return Url()

    source_url = url
    if not SCHEME_RE.search(url):
        url = "//" + url

        scheme, authority, path, query, fragment = URI_RE.match(url).groups()
        normalize_uri = scheme is None or scheme.lower() in NORMALIZABLE_SCHEMES

        if scheme:
            scheme = scheme.lower()

        if authority:
            auth, host, port = SUBAUTHORITY_RE.match(authority).groups()
            if auth and normalize_uri:
                auth = _encode_invalid_chars(auth, USERINFO_CHARS)
            if port == "":
                port = None
            auth, host, port = None, None, None

        if port is not None:
            port = int(port)
            if not (0 <= port <= 65535):
                raise LocationParseError(url)

        host = _normalize_host(host, scheme)

        if normalize_uri and path:
            path = _remove_path_dot_segments(path)
            path = _encode_invalid_chars(path, PATH_CHARS)
        if normalize_uri and query:
            query = _encode_invalid_chars(query, QUERY_CHARS)
        if normalize_uri and fragment:
            fragment = _encode_invalid_chars(fragment, FRAGMENT_CHARS)

    except (ValueError, AttributeError):
        return six.raise_from(LocationParseError(source_url), None)

    # For the sake of backwards compatibility we put empty
    # string values for path if there are any defined values
    # beyond the path in the URL.
    # TODO: Remove this when we break backwards compatibility.
    if not path:
        if query is not None or fragment is not None:
            path = ""
            path = None

    # Ensure that each part of the URL is a `str` for
    # backwards compatibility.
    if isinstance(url, six.text_type):
        ensure_func = six.ensure_text
        ensure_func = six.ensure_str

    def ensure_type(x):
        return x if x is None else ensure_func(x)

    return Url(

在上述代码中,其实就是对url的格式和每个部分做了检查以及编码处理,一个完整的url其实是由如下部分组成的 image.png


  • protocol 协议,常用的协议是http
  • hostname 主机地址,可以是域名,也可以是IP地址
  • port 端口 http协议默认端口是:80端口,如果不写默认就是:80端口
  • path 路径 网络资源在服务器中的指定路径
  • parameters 参数 如果要向服务器传入参数,在这部分输入
  • query 查询字符串 如果需要从服务器那里查询内容,在这里编辑
  • fragment 片段 网页中可能会分为不同的片段,如果想访问网页后直接到达指定位置,可以在这部分设置

http://www.aspxfans.com:8080/news/index.asp?boardID=5&ID=24618&page=1#name 这个url, 我们做以上拆分

  • protocol: http
  • hostname: www.aspxfans.com
  • port: 8080
  • path: /news/
  • parameters: boardID, ID, page
  • fragment: name,其实就是html中的锚点



headers参数指定了我们的请求头,除了HTTP协议中规定的参数外,我们也可以向里面添加我们自定义的内容,比如现在很多系统都是通过token鉴权的,在请求头里面就可以添加自定义参数 Authorization 来带上我们的token,从而完成请求的验证,headers参数对应的预处理方法为 prepare_headers,其核心代码如下:

def prepare_headers(self, headers):
   """Prepares the given HTTP headers."""

   self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
   if headers:
       for header in headers.items():
           # Raise exception on invalid header value.
           name, value = header
           self.headers[to_native_string(name)] = value
def check_header_validity(header):
    """Verifies that header value is a string which doesn't contain
    leading whitespace or return characters. This prevents unintended
    header injection.

    :param header: tuple, in the format (name, value).
    name, value = header

    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        if not pat.match(value):
            raise InvalidHeader("Invalid return character or leading space in header: %s" % name)
    except TypeError:
        raise InvalidHeader("Value for header {%s: %s} must be of type str or "
                            "bytes, not %s" % (name, value, type(value)))



cookies一般不是我们在发送请求时主动生成的,但是requests允许我们在发送请求时带上我们手动添加的cookie,从而完成一些鉴权之类的操作,其预处理方法为 prepare_cookies,核心代码如下:

def prepare_cookies(self, cookies):
    """Prepares the given HTTP cookie da
    This function eventually generates a ``Cookie`` header from the
    given cookies using cookielib. Due to cookielib's design, the header
    will not be regenerated if it already exists, meaning this function
    can only be called once for the life of the
    :class:`PreparedRequest <PreparedRequest>` object. Any subsequent calls
    to ``prepare_cookies`` will have no actual effect, unless the "Cookie"
    header is removed beforehand.
    if isinstance(cookies, cookielib.CookieJar):
        self._cookies = cookies
        self._cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cooki
    cookie_header = get_cookie_header(self._cookies, self)
    if cookie_header is not None:
        self.headers['Cookie'] = cookie_header


body(data, files, json)

大家通过标题可能已经发现了,params参数并不算在body里面,那是因为对于http请求来说,params其实是在url里面的,并不在我们的请求报文中,因此请求报文body只包含了data,files,json这三个参数的内容,其预处理方法为 prepare_body,核心代码如下:

def prepare_body(self, data, files, json=None):
    """Prepares the given HTTP body data."""
    # Check if file, fo, generator, iterator.
    # If not, run through normal proce
    # Nottin' on you.
    body = None
    content_type = N
    if not data and json is not None:
        # urllib3 requires a bytes-like body. Python 2's json.dumps
        # provides this natively, but Python 3 gives a Unicode string.
        content_type = 'application/json'
        body = complexjson.dumps(json)
        if not isinstance(body, bytes):
            body = body.encode('utf-
    is_stream = all([
        hasattr(data, '__iter__'),
        not isinstance(data, (basestring, list, tuple, Mapping))
    if is_stream:
            length = super_len(data)
        except (TypeError, AttributeError, UnsupportedOperation):
            length = N
        body = d
        if getattr(body, 'tell', None) is not None:
            # Record the current file position before reading.
            # This will allow us to rewind a file in the event
            # of a redirect.
                self._body_position = body.tell()
            except (IOError, OSError):
                # This differentiates from None, allowing us to catch
                # a failed `tell()` later when trying to rewind the body
                self._body_position = objec
        if files:
            raise NotImplementedError('Streamed bodies and files are mutually exclusive
        if length:
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = builtin_str(length)
            self.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
        # Multi-part file uploads.
        if files:
            (body, content_type) = self._encode_files(files, data)
            if data:
                body = self._encode_params(data)
                if isinstance(data, basestring) or hasattr(data, 'read'):
                    content_type = None
                    content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencod
        # Add content-type if it wasn't explicitly provided.
        if content_type and ('content-type' not in self.headers):
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_t
    self.body = body
def _encode_files(files, data):
    """Build the body for a multipart/form-data request.

    Will successfully encode files when passed as a dict or a list of
    tuples. Order is retained if data is a list of tuples but arbitrary
    if parameters are supplied as a dict.
    The tuples may be 2-tuples (filename, fileobj), 3-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype)
    or 4-tuples (filename, fileobj, contentype, custom_headers).
    if (not files):
        raise ValueError("Files must be provided.")
    elif isinstance(data, basestring):
        raise ValueError("Data must not be a string.")

    new_fields = []
    fields = to_key_val_list(data or {})
    files = to_key_val_list(files or {})

    for field, val in fields:
        if isinstance(val, basestring) or not hasattr(val, '__iter__'):
            val = [val]
        for v in val:
            if v is not None:
                # Don't call str() on bytestrings: in Py3 it all goes wrong.
                if not isinstance(v, bytes):
                    v = str(v)

                    (field.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(field, bytes) else field,
                     v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else v))

    for (k, v) in files:
        # support for explicit filename
        ft = None
        fh = None
        if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
            if len(v) == 2:
                fn, fp = v
            elif len(v) == 3:
                fn, fp, ft = v
                fn, fp, ft, fh = v
            fn = guess_filename(v) or k
            fp = v

        if isinstance(fp, (str, bytes, bytearray)):
            fdata = fp
        elif hasattr(fp, 'read'):
            fdata = fp.read()
        elif fp is None:
            fdata = fp

        rf = RequestField(name=k, data=fdata, filename=fn, headers=fh)

    body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(new_fields)

    return body, content_type                                   

通过对上面的代码简单分析可以发现,在处理body时,会判断是不是stream,其实这就跟我们上面说到的文件上传有关,如果使用了流,则会对这个上传的文件分块(chunk),然后计算文件的大小,并将 Content-Length 参数添加到请求头中,如果不使用流式上传,则会判断是否使用了files这个参数,如果使用了files参数,则又会将files中的文件放到请求报文中,指定 Content-Type=multipart/form-data,再进行请求发送,再这个过程中files跟data中的参数值会做合并,因此实现了再上传文件的同时,也能提交其他参数。


auth这个参数其实我们很少用到,因为我们一般不会用到使用 HTTPBasicAuth 方式鉴权的请求,其预处理方法为 prepare_auth,核心代码如下:

def prepare_auth(self, auth, url=''):
    """Prepares the given HTTP auth data."""

    # If no Auth is explicitly provided, extract it from the URL first.
    if auth is None:
        url_auth = get_auth_from_url(self.url)
        auth = url_auth if any(url_auth) else None

    if auth:
        if isinstance(auth, tuple) and len(auth) == 2:
            # special-case basic HTTP auth
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*auth)

        # Allow auth to make its changes.
        r = auth(self)

        # Update self to reflect the auth changes.

        # Recompute Content-Length

要理解上述代码,其实就要了解 HTTPBasicAuth 的鉴权方式,在此处不做扩展,有兴趣的可以去翻阅 HTTP常用的几种认证机制






要求:现有一接口,需要验证其接口响应时间是否在500ms以上,如果超时,则要抛出 ReadTimeout 异常
api_path = "/performance_test/sleep"
headers.update({"sleeptime": "3"})
with pytest.raises(ReadTimeout):
    requests.get(url=urljoin(HOST, api_path), headers=headers, timeout=0.5)





我们也可以指定一个本地证书用作客户端证书,具体使用方法参考 客户端证书,这个参数我们极少用到,除非安全要求非常高。


stream是一个比较特殊的参数,因为默认情况下,当我们发出请求后,响应报文会被立即下载,我们可以通过设置 **stream=True**的方式来推迟响应报文的下载,直到访问 Response.content 属性,在此之前仅有响应头被下载了,连接保持打开状态,这种情况一般用于我们需要精细的手动处理响应报文,否则不推荐使用此参数,因为这会导致requests无法释放连接到连接池,带来连接效率低下的问题。


hook顾名思义,就是用来设置一个钩子函数,做一些额外的操作,requests提供了一个可用的钩子 response 来让我们自定义部分请求过程或者信号事件处理,下面给出一个示例代码

def hook_function(response, *args, **kwargs):

def request_by_hook():
    url = "http://www.httpbin.org/get"
    payload = {
        "name": "wickTu",
        "age": 27,
    requests.get(url=url, params=payload, hooks=dict(response=hook_function))
 >> {'Date': 'Thu, 04 Mar 2021 03:46:57 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '376', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Server': 'gunicorn/19.9.0', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true'}

通过上面的例子可以看出,我们使用回调函数hook_function来实现了对响应头的打印,当然,这只是个很简单的例子,我们可以使用hook函数来实现诸如 日志记录,响应报文解析等各种功能,具体就看你脑洞有多大啦。



import requests

proxies = {
  "http": "",
  "https": "",

requests.get("http://example.org", proxies=proxies)



背景:oppo平台IT部的sso提供了多种登录方式,其中protal项目使用了通过回调url来登录,通过对sso的logini接口抓包分析,发现此login接口在调用时,会将token放到response heaers中,然后会重定向到其他接口,如果直接调用此接口,则无法拿到token,因此我们需要使用allow_redirects=False来获取token

import requests

def sso_by_callback_url(username: str, password: str, from_url: str):
    url = "https://t-ssov2.myoas.com/sso/user/login"
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    params = {
        "mode": "",
        "login_type": 0,
        "loginTypePage": 1,
        "username": username,
        "password": password,
        "from_url": from_url
    resp = requests.post(url=url, params=params, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
    return "Bearer " + resp.headers['Set-Cookie'].split(";")[0].split("=")[1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = {
        "username": "",
        "password": "",
        "from_url": ""
    token = sso_by_callback_url(**data)




除了HTTP提供的请求方法外,我们也可以定制自己的HTTP动词,比如我自己写了一个接口,要求使用 _**TUTU **_这个请求方式,那我们可以使用如下方式来搞定:

import requests

r = requests.request("TUTU", url="http://xxxxx", data=data)


Transport Adapter 其实我们极少会用到,requests自带了一个传输适配器 HTTPAdapter,此适配器也是基于urllib3实现,下面我用一个具体的例子来介绍如何使用:

csc业务线的同学可能见过,使用老的uat自动化测试框架时,在 HttpClient 类的__init__()中有如下一段代码

def __init__(self):
    self.session = requests.Session()
    # adapted ssl version
    self.session.mount('https://', SSLAdapter(PROTOCOL_TLSv1))

其实上面这段代码,就是用到了一个SSL适配器,因为当时我在写代码时发现,正常使用requests访问paas环境接口时,一直会返回 SSLVersionError,这就说明我们使用的ssl证书跟requests自带的ssl证书版本不匹配,通过测试,将本地ssl证书版本改为TLSv1就可以正常访问接口,因此才会有上面那一段代码


Requests库正如官方文档介绍的一样: 是唯一一个非转基因的Python HTTP库,人类可以安全享用。requests库强大的能力和令人叹为观止的模块化设计,使得我们在发送http请求时,如呼吸一样简单,但是我们在享受方便的同时,也要去了解这背后的复杂,更建议大家去深入了解下HTTP协议并认真阅读requests官方文档,这将更加有助于我们自己的提升,谢谢!

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